{{isZh ? '文本翻译' : 'Text Translation'}}

{{ isZh ? '采用领先世界的神经机器翻译模型,基于同花顺20余年金融信息数据沉淀,实现中文、英文、西法德语等高质量互译,在金融资讯、企业公告/财报/招股说明书、研究报告等金融垂直场景翻译效果突出。支持原文改写、术语限定、翻译记忆多种译文干预方法。可支持定制化语料库训练。' : "Adopting the world's leading neural machine translation(NMT) model, RoyalFlush Translate has provided high-quality translation in Chinese, English, Spanish, French, German and other languages based on our 20-year financial data. We are well-performed in translating financial news, announcements/earning reports/prospectuses, research reports and other vertical fields. Multiple methods such as source text rewriting, termbase(TB) and translation memory(TM) are used to perfect our translation. We support customized corpus training." }}
{{ isZh ? '价格: ' : "Price: " }} {{ isZh ? '30元/百万字符' : "USD 4.9/million characters" }} {{ isZh ? ' 限时免费' : " Free Trials" }}
{{ isZh ? '更多翻译体验请点击:' : 'For more services, ' }} {{ isZh ? '进入网站' : 'try on our website' }}
{{ isZh ? '如有私有化部署需求及商务问题,请联系nmtservice@myhexin.com' : "Please contact nmtservice@myhexin.com, for private deployment and business cooperation." }}

{{isZh ? '产品体验' : "Product Trial"}}

您输入的可能是:{{isZh ? LANGUAGE_CHINESE_MAP.get(identifyLanguage):LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_MAP.get(identifyLanguage)}}

{{isZh ? '翻译领域' : "Select domain"}}
{{isZh ? '开 始 翻 译' : "Start Translation"}} {{isZh ? '翻 译 中' : "translating"}}

{{isZh ? '产品优势' : "Advantages"}}

{{isZh ? '翻译质量领先' : "Leading in translation quality"}}

{{isZh ? '第十六届全国机器翻译大会(CCMT 2020),获得英中翻译第三名,提供业界领先的机器翻译服务' : "Third place in CCMT 2020(a Chinese machine translation competition) with leading machine translation services"}}

{{isZh ? '简单易用' : "Simple & easy "}}

{{isZh ? '提供通用API接口及Demo文件,接入方式方便快捷' : "General API and demo provided with easy and fast access"}}

{{isZh ? '海量训练语料' : "Massive training corpus"}}

{{isZh ? '拥有海量平行语料数据,利用先进的深度学习建模技术,翻译结果更加准确' : "With massive parallel corpus data and advanced deep learning modeling technology, the translation results are more accurate"}}

{{isZh ? '个性化服务' : "Personalized service"}}

{{isZh ? '提供个性化解决方案,可针对不同需求定制化服务方案' : "Provide personalized solutions, as well as customized service solutions for different needs"}}

{{isZh ? '应用场景' : "Applicable Scenarios"}}

  • {{isZh ? '金融资讯' : "Financial information"}}

    {{isZh ? '提供高准确率的金融领域翻译,原汁原味获取全球金融商业资讯' : "Provide high accuracy translation in financial field on global financial business information"}}

  • {{isZh ? '舆情监控' : "Public opinion monitoring"}}

    {{isZh ? '即时准确地翻译结果大量金融专业名词是同花顺的优势,轻松掌握中国企业舆情' : "With the advantage of translating a great number of financial terms, Hithink Royalflush can help you capture the public opinion of Chinese enterprises easily"}}

  • {{isZh ? '业务出海' : "Overseas business"}}

    {{isZh ? '快速准确地把网站、APP上的中文内容翻译成英文,助力业务平稳出海' : "Accurate and fast translation of the English content on your website and app into Chinese, facilitating your business entering China smoothly"}}

  • {{isZh ? '书籍翻译' : "Book translation"}}

    {{isZh ? '稳定高效的翻译服务可支持长篇学术文章、金融书籍等翻译' : "Stable and efficient translation services on lengthy academic articles and financial booksl"}}

{{isZh ? '客户案例' : "Customer Case"}}

{{isZh ? '同花顺' : "Hithink Royalflush"}}

{{isZh ? 'i问财' : "iWencai"}}

{{isZh ? 'ifind' : "iFind"}}

{{isZh ? '舆情终端' : "Terminal on public opinion"}}

{{this.isZh ? 'AIcubes使用cookies。了解详情,请阅读':'Aicubes uses cookies. For more information, please read '}}{{this.isZh ? '隐私政策':'privacy policy'}}